Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Hello there!  First off I am Taylor, and I have wanted to blog for a long time now... the only problem was that I didn't have much to blog.  I am a 21 year old, sort of student, and a barista.  Pretty typical, and sadly not at all interesting.  I am not married (although I am in a happy relationship of four years now) and I really am just living a normal life.  So if I did a blog about my life it would be, 
1. Absolutely boring
2. Not very eventful
3. Just like every other blog
BUT... I have finally brewed quite the nifty idea for a blog and with much deliberation I bring you...
Cheesy right?  Please don't let the title fool you!  I am no motivational speaker, or a God heals all type of person I am however kind of clever and everyday someone, somewhere is celebrating something!  Look at my blog to open your eyes, have a good laugh, and have an excuse to have a party, or a happy hour.  Everyday truly is a day to celebrate not just because you are living, but because its "National Bunsen Burner Day," or "Defy Superstition Day!"

With all that said welcome, and enjoy! :]

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